As a thrift blogger, I get some pretty funny reactions when I tell people I buy my clothing from thrift stores. They are in total disbelief and have a genuine surprised look on their faces. Which encouraged me to write this blog to shed some light on some misconceptions there are about thrifting.
Misconception #1 – You can’t find good quality items at thrift stores?
Wrong! You can actually find some amazing pieces in fabulous condition at thrift stores. A majority of my closet is filled with clothing from thrift stores and I only buy clothing in good condition. I’m not saying everything at thrift stores is perfect and you do need to inspect your selections before purchasing but you can find some great items in excellent condition. Take these dresses for example one is Antonio Melani and the other is Bebe. Both dresses are in fabulous condition.

Misconception #2- You can’t find any name brands at thrift stores?
Thrift stores are filled with some amazing name brands at deeply discounted prices. You have to look but you will find some great name brand clothing, shoes and purses at thrift stores. Take these jeans, for example, Zara, Hollister and Banana Republic. All three of these jeans are on trend and no one would know you did not pay retail for them.

Misconception #3- You can only find outdated clothing at thrift stores?
That is definitely a misconception! Check out these skirts you have a genuine leather skirt, a fabulous embellished skirt in perfect condition from White House Black Market and this green skirt from Tahari. Proving that you can find great quality pieces that are unique at your local thrift store.

Misconception #4- Thrift stores are not organized and are dirty!
WRONG! Thrift stores have their merchandise organized by category type and sized within each category. Some even go the extra mile and colorize them within the category and size. Thrift stores generally are clean. The rotation of merchandise is so frequent it does not sit very long and Sunshine Thrift even fills the air with the smell of freshly popped popcorn!

I hope this sheds some light on thrift store shopping if you are new to the game and inspires you to explore what’s available at your local Sunshine Thrift! Thanks for reading!
Nikki Platt:
In college Nikki headed to London to study abroad, and after graduation was NYC bound. Since returning to Florida, Nikki has built her fashion resume and now started her own fashion styling business and blog! Recently Nikki earned accolades as an on air Fashion Contributor for NBC’s Daytime and a Stylist for International Plaza.